胡家榮(Clarence M. Davis)


Clarence M. Davis 目前擔任CLN首席語文顧問暨執行長,為百大企業高階經理人指定授課培訓師,更受政治大學商學院邀請,擔任外語專長商管學程特聘講師。其獨樹一格的教學特色,甚至吸引諸多名校指名,擔任英文師資訓練顧問,是專業語文老師們爭相求教英文教學技巧的業界專家。

Clarence has been the invited lecturer for the Business & Management Program for Students with Specialty of Foreign Languages at National Chengchi University.  His teaching style is one of a kind, which acknowledges him as a professional in training English teachers in prestigious schools of all levels.

Clarence領導的CLN 顧問團,歷年來榮獲Google、台積電、聯發科、IBM、裕隆汽車、台北捷運局等各大單位青睞,擔任員工及高階主管培訓師與外語面試官。其學術背景扎實,曾獲新浪網、台視、東森、三立、今周刊、時代雜誌等各大媒體報導。

Clarence and his language consultants have been recognized and favored by various companies, such as Google, TSMC, MediaTek, IBM, Yahoo, Yulon Motors, the Department of Rapid Transit Systems under Taipei City Government, to name just a few. Clarence and his team members aid in training not only employees but also executives in English proficiency and interview techniques.  Clarence’s reputation has spread over media platforms, including Sina, TTV, EBC, SETN, Business Today, and TIME Magazine.

Clarence 憑藉著二十年的語文學習研究經驗,推出獨創語文優化系統,透過系統化的五種層級優化方式,讓所有程度的語文學習者都能有效建立最佳的外語即戰力。此五種優化方式列舉如下:

With two decades of experience in studies of language learning, Clarence introduced an unprecedented language optimizing system with 5 methods. Language learners of all levels can effectively acquire the best outcomes in learning foreign languages. The 5 optimizing methods are as follows:


  1. 自我優化:綜合評比學員程度,依照需求,訂定有效達成目標。
  2. 觀念優化:收斂語文學習觀念,採用核心的大框架學習法則,將顧問給予的觀念轉換為自身的 know-how。
  3. 邏輯優化:以語言學的研究,推展出語文邏輯法則,讓人見其形、讀其音,更能明其理。
  4. 生活優化:提供課後學習策略,透過情意策略(Affective Strategies)的輔助,讓學習者掌握情緒、態度、動機和價值。
  5. 實戰優化:模擬實戰教學,研發出參與式溝通教學法,解決學員的職場及溝通問題。


  1. Self-improvement: Assess students’ language proficiency comprehensively. Learning outcomes are customized according to different demands.
  2. Conceptual Clarification: Converged teaching methods and learning framework help students internalize lessons as personal know-how.
  3. Logic Development: Laws of logic based on linguistics allow students to see the form, hear the sound, and read between the lines when they learn a language.
  4. Life Scenarios: After-school learning introduces affective strategies to familiarize students with emotions, attitudes, motivations and values in learning.
  5. Practical Experience: Simulated scenarios develop communication-based teaching methods to provide students with hands-on experience in workplace communication.





  • 新貴語文顧問有限公司/執行長
  • 新貴語文顧問有限公司/首席語文顧問


  1. 職場英語文溝通能力訓練
  2. 專業領域英語文能力訓練 (ESP)